Paul Bame

Paul got hooked on Grassroots Radio by listening to Boulder's KGNU in the mid 90's. That also led him into activism for global economic dignity in the "Seattle-era" street movement. Along the way he also stood against police brutality, for an end of racism toward Native Americans and others, an end of media bias including that at NPR, of discrimination and dehumanization aimed at women, LGBT, and undocumented immigrants. When he co-founded Grassroots Radio station KRFC between 1997 and 2003, he also co-founded its news collective.
Since 2010, Paul has been a broadcast and allocations engineer at the Prometheus Radio Project.
About this Session
Who has control? Governing your station. Whose voice counts for strategy, policy, and other station decisions? Board? Manager? Staff? Volunteers? Community members? Presenters Paul (Pablito) Bame and Betty McArdle will discuss a variety of methods of governance and invite attendees to add their insights. GRC was started partly because "Important principles are participatory governance and community and volunteer involvement in all major decisions. ‐GRC mission". Our conferences have taught new stations that they could operate with collaborative governance. How does (or will) your station balance iron‐fist in a velvet glove with pure democracy? What choices and trade offs are there? We (GRC) support new stations and stations in the planning stage to plan ahead as to how their stations will be governed. GRC conferences tackle issues like community involvement, access, activism, and accountability in both programming and governance. Is governance by boards and managers participatory, collaborative and accountable? Will everyone associated with the station need to meet to make all decisions, or will there be a person or persons (such as a committee) with the title something like, The Buck Stops Here?Where along this spectrum is (or will be) your station? What choices and tradeoffs are there?