Jim Ellinger

Jim Ellinger has been involved in community media a very long time.
Served as PR Flack for Austin Community Television when the ground breaking cable access station won the “Infosex” case before Supreme Court. Worked for 11 years to modify the so-called ‘Wolfman Jack Treaty’ w Mexico to allow additional non-comm FMs within 200 miles of border. Was on the ground in Fondwa, Haiti six weeks after earthquake, assisted stations in NOLA’s 9th Ward getting on the air, and back on the air, lead advocate for “AstroDome Radio” in Houston after Katrina, served 4 years on the Int’l BoD of AMARC, the world association of CR broadcasters, and just a few days ago returned from the AMARC Asia/Pacific Conference in Bangkok. And a few days before that with Burning Man Information Radio (BMIR) in Black Rock City. (Don’t ask.)
About this Presentation
Riot4Radio is a jam-packed, crash course on getting the story, without getting your ass beat.
Including: Is this story worth getting my ass beat? Going to jail? What is the story?
Is your lawyer on speed dial?
Press credentials, government issued or DIY?
Body armor, the latest street-ready reporter fashion tips on display.
Feel free to try on AA's own body armor. (Caution: HEAVY) FTP!!
Dealing w obscenity on over-the-air broadcasts. Narrate or not? Disclaimers.
Are you a reporter or a demonstrator? Or both? What the hell is a media activist?
Is everybody a reporter now?
Violence is always bad. Don't be seduced by violence. "If it bleeds, it leads," but...
Surveillance. Why yes, they certainly are watching you! Howdy Facebook!
Your friendly, local, Regional Intelligence Centers ("Fusion Centers")